Duckduckgo news feed

DuckDuckGo is a search engine that respects your privacy and doesn't track your online activities. While it doesn't have a traditional news feed like Google News or Apple News, it does offer some features that can help you stay informed about current events. Here are a few ways you can use DuckDuckGo to stay up-to-date on news:

  1. DuckDuckGo News: DuckDuckGo has a dedicated news section that aggregates news articles from various sources. You can access it by clicking on the "News" tab at the top of the search results page. The news section is curated by a team of editors and includes articles from reputable sources like The New York Times, The Washington Post, and BBC News.
  2. Customizable news search: You can use DuckDuckGo's search bar to search for news articles on specific topics or keywords. Simply type in your search query, and DuckDuckGo will return a list of relevant news articles from various sources.
  3. News aggregator plugins: DuckDuckGo offers plugins for popular browsers like Firefox and Chrome that allow you to customize your news feed. These plugins can aggregate news articles from multiple sources and display them in a single feed.
  4. RSS feeds: DuckDuckGo also offers RSS feeds for various news categories, which you can use to subscribe to news updates from your favorite sources.

To access the DuckDuckGo news feed, follow these steps:

  1. Go to and click on the "News" tab at the top of the search results page.
  2. Browse through the curated news articles or use the search bar to find specific news articles.
  3. Use the customizable news search feature to search for news articles on specific topics or keywords.
  4. Install a news aggregator plugin for your browser to customize your news feed.
  5. Subscribe to RSS feeds for your favorite news sources to stay up-to-date on the latest news.

Remember, DuckDuckGo is committed to protecting your privacy, so you can trust that your online activities are not being tracked or monitored.