Rescheduled polls jonathan calls for peace among nigerians

I think there may be some confusion here. It seems like there are two separate issues being mentioned:

  1. Rescheduled polls: This could refer to the postponement of elections in Nigeria, which has been a topic of discussion in recent times.
  2. Jonathan calls for peace among Nigerians: This could refer to a statement made by former President Goodluck Jonathan, who is calling for peace and unity among Nigerians.

To clarify, I'll provide some context and information on both issues:

Rescheduled polls: The Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) in Nigeria has rescheduled the 2023 general elections several times due to various reasons, including logistical challenges and security concerns. The elections were initially scheduled to hold on February 25, 2023, but were postponed to March 11, 2023, and then again to March 18, 2023.

Jonathan calls for peace among Nigerians: Former President Goodluck Jonathan has indeed called for peace and unity among Nigerians. In a statement, he urged Nigerians to remain calm and peaceful, despite the challenges facing the country. He emphasized the importance of unity and cooperation in overcoming the country's problems.

Here's a quote from his statement:

"I want to appeal to all Nigerians to remain calm and peaceful, despite the challenges we are facing as a nation. We must continue to work together to build a better future for ourselves and our children. Let us put aside our differences and unite in our quest for a better Nigeria."

It's worth noting that Jonathan's call for peace and unity is a timely reminder, especially in the midst of the ongoing election season and the challenges facing the country.