Dua for starting something new

Here are some beautiful Duas (prayers) for starting something new:

For a new project or endeavor:

"O Allah, I seek Your guidance and assistance in this new project. Grant me the wisdom and knowledge to complete it successfully. Ameen."

For a new job or career:

"O Allah, I seek Your blessings and protection in my new job. Grant me the skills and abilities to excel in my work and earn Your pleasure. Ameen."

For a new business or venture:

"O Allah, I seek Your mercy and favor in my new business. Grant me the success and prosperity that comes from Your blessings. Ameen."

For a new relationship or friendship:

"O Allah, I seek Your guidance and protection in this new relationship. Grant me the wisdom and patience to build a strong and lasting bond with this person. Ameen."

For a new habit or routine:

"O Allah, I seek Your help and support in establishing this new habit. Grant me the strength and discipline to stick to it and make it a part of my daily routine. Ameen."

For a new goal or aspiration:

"O Allah, I seek Your guidance and assistance in achieving this new goal. Grant me the determination and perseverance to work towards it and make it a reality. Ameen."

General Dua for starting something new:

"O Allah, I seek Your blessings and guidance in this new endeavor. Grant me the wisdom, knowledge, and strength to complete it successfully and earn Your pleasure. Ameen."

Remember to recite these Duas with sincerity and faith, and to make sure you are fulfilling your responsibilities and obligations in your new endeavor. May Allah guide and assist you in all your endeavors!