Dsv new jersey

You're looking for information on the Delaware River and Bay (DRBA) in New Jersey!

The Delaware River and Bay (DRBA) is a bi-state agency that manages the Delaware River and Bay, which forms the border between New Jersey and Pennsylvania. Here are some key facts about the DRBA in New Jersey:

History: The DRBA was established in 1961 to manage the Delaware River and Bay, which is a vital waterway for commerce, recreation, and environmental protection.

Jurisdiction: The DRBA has jurisdiction over approximately 1,700 miles of the Delaware River and Bay, including the main stem of the river, its tributaries, and the Delaware Bay.

Functions: The DRBA's primary functions include:

  1. Navigation: Maintaining the river and bay's navigational channels to ensure safe and efficient passage for commercial and recreational vessels.
  2. Water Quality: Monitoring and improving water quality to protect the environment and public health.
  3. Flood Control: Managing flood control measures to prevent damage from flooding and erosion.
  4. Recreation: Promoting recreational activities such as boating, fishing, and wildlife viewing.
  5. Environmental Protection: Protecting and preserving the natural and cultural resources of the Delaware River and Bay.

Projects and Initiatives: The DRBA is involved in various projects and initiatives, including:

  1. Delaware River Deepening Project: A multi-year project to deepen the river to allow larger ships to pass through.
  2. Delaware Bay Restoration: A program to restore habitats and improve water quality in the bay.
  3. Flood Risk Management: Implementing measures to reduce flood risk and protect communities along the river and bay.
  4. Environmental Education: Offering educational programs and resources to promote environmental awareness and stewardship.

Contact Information: If you have questions or would like more information, you can contact the DRBA at:

Delaware River and Bay Authority P.O. Box 1475 Wilmington, DE 19899 Phone: (302) 573-2895 Fax: (302) 573-2929 Email: [email protected]

I hope this information helps!