Library orientation for new students

Here's a comprehensive library orientation for new students:

Welcome to the Library!

As a new student, we're excited to introduce you to our library and all the resources it has to offer. Our library is designed to support your academic success, and we're here to help you navigate its many features.

Library Hours and Location

Getting Started

  1. Library Card: To borrow materials, you'll need a library card. You can apply for one at the circulation desk with your student ID.
  2. Library Account: Your library account allows you to access digital resources, renew materials, and check your borrowing history. You can access your account online or through the library's mobile app.
  3. Library Catalog: Our online catalog allows you to search for books, articles, and other materials. You can access it through our website or the library's mobile app.

Library Resources

  1. Books: We have a vast collection of print and digital books, including textbooks, fiction, and non-fiction.
  2. Articles and Journals: We subscribe to many online databases and journals, providing access to academic articles, research papers, and news sources.
  3. Databases: Our databases cover a wide range of subjects, including business, education, health sciences, and more.
  4. Online Resources: We offer online resources such as e-books, audiobooks, and streaming services.
  5. Study Spaces: Our library has quiet study areas, group study rooms, and collaborative spaces to help you focus and work with your peers.

Library Services

  1. Research Assistance: Our librarians are available to help you with research, citing sources, and finding resources.
  2. Interlibrary Loan: If we don't have a book or article you need, we can borrow it from another library for you.
  3. Printing and Scanning: We offer printing and scanning services, as well as a photocopier and scanner.
  4. Technology: Our library has computers, laptops, and tablets available for use, as well as printers and scanners.

Tips and Tricks

  1. Use the Library's Mobile App: Download our mobile app to access your library account, search the catalog, and access online resources on-the-go.
  2. Make a Study Schedule: Plan your study sessions and make the most of your time in the library.
  3. Ask for Help: Don't hesitate to ask our librarians or library staff for assistance. We're here to help you succeed!

Additional Resources

  1. Library Website: Visit our website for more information on library services, resources, and events.
  2. Library Social Media: Follow us on social media to stay up-to-date on library news, events, and resources.
  3. Library Workshops: We offer regular workshops and training sessions on topics such as research skills, citation management, and technology.


We're excited to have you as part of our library community! We're committed to supporting your academic success and providing you with the resources you need to succeed. If you have any questions or need help, don't hesitate to ask. Happy learning!