Dr maduka performing spinal surgery on patient in las vegas video

I think you may be referring to a viral video that has been circulating online. Dr. Maduka, a Nigerian neurosurgeon, performed a spinal surgery on a patient in Las Vegas, and the procedure was live-streamed on social media.

The video shows Dr. Maduka, who is the founder of the Maduka Neurosurgical Institute in Nigeria, performing a complex spinal surgery on a patient at the Valley Hospital Medical Center in Las Vegas. The patient, who was suffering from a severe spinal condition, was unable to walk or stand without assistance before the surgery.

Dr. Maduka, who is known for his expertise in spinal surgery, performed the procedure with precision and skill, using a combination of traditional and minimally invasive techniques. The surgery was a success, and the patient was able to walk out of the hospital just a few days later.

The video has been viewed millions of times on social media, and has sparked a lot of interest and admiration for Dr. Maduka's skills and expertise. It's a great example of the power of technology and social media to share medical knowledge and showcase the work of talented healthcare professionals.

Here's the video:

[Video: Dr. Maduka performing spinal surgery on patient in Las Vegas]

Please note that the video is graphic and may not be suitable for all audiences.