Effective use of new words gotten from english

Congratulations on learning new words in English! Here are some effective ways to use them:

  1. Practice active recall: Try to use the new words in your own sentences or conversations. This helps solidify the words in your long-term memory.
  2. Read, read, read: Expose yourself to a variety of texts, such as articles, books, and news stories, that use the new words in context. This will help you understand their meanings and usage.
  3. Use flashcards: Create flashcards with the new word on one side and its definition or a sentence using the word on the other. Quiz yourself by covering the answer and trying to recall the definition or sentence.
  4. Play word games: Engage in word games like Scrabble, Boggle, or Wordoku to practice using the new words in different contexts.
  5. Discuss with others: Share the new words with friends, family, or colleagues and discuss their meanings and usage. This can help you learn from others and get feedback on your understanding.
  6. Keep a vocabulary journal: Write down the new words and their definitions in a journal or note-taking app. Review the journal regularly to reinforce your learning.
  7. Use mnemonics: Create mnemonics to help you remember the meanings of new words. For example, you can create a sentence or acronym that associates with the word.
  8. Watch TV shows or movies with subtitles: Watch TV shows or movies with subtitles in English to see the new words in context and improve your listening and reading skills.
  9. Listen to podcasts or audiobooks: Listen to podcasts or audiobooks that use the new words in context. This can help you improve your listening skills and get a feel for how the words are used in everyday conversations.
  10. Teach someone else: Teach the new words to someone else, such as a friend or family member. This can help you reinforce your own understanding and retain the words better.

Some additional tips:

By following these tips, you can effectively use new words you've learned from English and improve your vocabulary and communication skills.