Download timi dakolo new christmas album

Timi Dakolo has not released a new Christmas album. However, I can suggest some ways for you to get his Christmas music:

  1. Timi Dakolo's Christmas Songs on YouTube: You can search for Timi Dakolo's Christmas songs on YouTube. He has uploaded some of his Christmas tracks, including "Merry Christmas" and "Silent Night", which you can stream for free.
  2. Timi Dakolo's Discography on Music Streaming Platforms: You can search for Timi Dakolo's discography on music streaming platforms like Spotify, Apple Music, or Google Play Music. You might find some of his Christmas tracks or songs that are similar to Christmas music.
  3. Timi Dakolo's Official Website or Social Media: You can check Timi Dakolo's official website or social media profiles to see if he has released any Christmas music or if he has any upcoming projects.

If you're looking for Christmas music from other artists, I can suggest some popular Christmas albums or playlists on music streaming platforms. Just let me know!