Download rema new ep

Rema is a talented Nigerian singer and rapper, and I'd be happy to help you download his new EP!

Rema has released several EPs and singles, and I'll need a bit more information to help you find the specific one you're looking for. Here are a few options:

  1. Rema - Bad Commando EP (2019): This is Rema's debut EP, which features 4 tracks, including the hit single "Bad Commando".
  2. Rema - Iron Man EP (2020): This EP features 4 tracks, including the popular single "Iron Man".
  3. Rema - Rave & Roses EP (2021): This is Rema's latest EP, which features 7 tracks, including the hit singles "FYN" and "Soundgasm".

To download Rema's new EP, you can try the following options:

Option 1: Streaming Services

You can stream Rema's EPs on popular music streaming platforms like:

Just search for Rema's name, and you'll find his EPs in the search results.

Option 2: Music Download Sites

You can also download Rema's EPs from music download sites like:

Just search for Rema's name, and you'll find his EPs in the search results.

Option 3: Free Download

If you're looking for a free download, you can try searching for Rema's EPs on free music download sites like:

Please note that downloading music from free sites may not be legal in your country, and the quality of the download may vary.