Bird control new york

Bird control in New York! Here's a comprehensive guide to help you manage bird populations and prevent damage to your property:

Common Bird Species in New York:

  1. Pigeons (Rock Pigeons)
  2. Starlings
  3. Sparrows (House Sparrows)
  4. Seagulls (Herring Gulls, Ring-billed Gulls)
  5. Canada Geese
  6. Woodpeckers (Downy, Hairy, Red-headed)
  7. Blue Jays
  8. American Crows
  9. Blackbirds (Red-winged, Common Grackles)

Bird Control Methods:

  1. Visual Deterrents:
    • Balloons
    • Mylar tape
    • Bird-repellent balloons
    • Visual scarecrows
  2. Auditory Deterrents:
    • Bird-scaring devices (e.g., ultrasonic bird repellers)
    • Loud noises (e.g., radio, music)
  3. Physical Barriers:
    • Netting
    • Bird screens
    • Bird spikes
    • Bird-repellent paint
  4. Chemical Deterrents:
    • Bird-repellent granules
    • Bird-repellent sprays
    • Methyl anthranilate (a natural, non-toxic repellent)
  5. Exclusion:
    • Installing bird-proof screens
    • Sealing entry points
    • Using bird-repellent coatings
  6. Hazing:
    • Shooing birds away
    • Using noise-making devices
    • Releasing birds from traps (if necessary)

Professional Bird Control Services in New York:

  1. New York City:
    • NYC Department of Parks and Recreation (DPR) - Bird Control Program
    • NYC Department of Sanitation (DSNY) - Bird Control Program
    • Private bird control companies (e.g., Bird-X, Bird-B-Gone)
  2. Upstate New York:
    • Local government agencies (e.g., county, city, town)
    • Private bird control companies (e.g., Bird-X, Bird-B-Gone)

Regulations and Permits:

  1. New York State:
    • New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) - Bird Control Regulations
    • New York State Department of Agriculture and Markets (DAM) - Bird Control Regulations
  2. New York City:
    • NYC Department of Parks and Recreation (DPR) - Bird Control Permit
    • NYC Department of Sanitation (DSNY) - Bird Control Permit

Additional Tips:

  1. Preventative Measures:
    • Keep your property clean and free of food waste
    • Remove potential nesting sites (e.g., debris, vegetation)
    • Install bird-repellent devices
  2. Regular Maintenance:
    • Inspect your property regularly for bird activity
    • Repair any damage caused by birds
    • Adjust bird control methods as needed

Remember to always follow local regulations and guidelines when implementing bird control measures. If you're unsure about the best approach for your specific situation, consider consulting with a professional bird control service.