Were committed to privatisation buhari

A popular topic in Nigeria!

Yes, the Buhari administration has been committed to privatization, which is the process of transferring ownership and control of state-owned enterprises (SOEs) to the private sector. This policy has been a key part of the government's economic reform agenda.

In 2015, the Buhari administration inherited a number of state-owned enterprises that were considered inefficient and uncompetitive. To address this, the government launched a privatization program aimed at reducing the role of the state in the economy and increasing private sector participation.

Some of the key areas where privatization has been implemented under the Buhari administration include:

  1. Power sector: The government has privatized the power sector, selling off majority stakes in power generation and distribution companies to private investors.
  2. Rail sector: The government has privatized the rail sector, with private companies taking over the management and operation of rail lines.
  3. Telecommunications sector: The government has privatized the telecommunications sector, with private companies taking over the management and operation of telecommunications infrastructure.
  4. Aviation sector: The government has privatized the aviation sector, with private companies taking over the management and operation of airports and airlines.
  5. Banks: The government has privatized some state-owned banks, with private investors taking over majority stakes.

The government has also established the Bureau of Public Enterprises (BPE) to oversee the privatization process and ensure that it is carried out in a transparent and efficient manner.

While privatization has its benefits, such as increasing efficiency and competitiveness, it also has its challenges, such as job losses and potential abuse of power by private companies. The Buhari administration has faced criticism from some quarters over the pace and manner of privatization, with some arguing that it has been too rapid and has not always been carried out in the best interests of the country.