Download new times roman font for pc

Here are the steps to download and install the Times New Roman font on your PC:

Method 1: Download from Microsoft

  1. Go to the Microsoft website and search for "Times New Roman font".
  2. Click on the "Download" button next to "Times New Roman" font.
  3. Select the font style you want to download (e.g., Regular, Bold, Italic, etc.).
  4. Click on the "Download" button to download the font file (.ttf or .otf format).
  5. Once the download is complete, go to the download location and run the installer.
  6. Follow the installation prompts to install the font on your PC.

Method 2: Download from Google Fonts

  1. Go to the Google Fonts website and search for "Times New Roman".
  2. Click on the "Times New Roman" font to view its details.
  3. Click on the "Download" button to download the font file (.ttf or .otf format).
  4. Once the download is complete, go to the download location and run the installer.
  5. Follow the installation prompts to install the font on your PC.

Method 3: Download from Font Squirrel

  1. Go to the Font Squirrel website and search for "Times New Roman".
  2. Click on the "Times New Roman" font to view its details.
  3. Click on the "Download" button to download the font file (.ttf or .otf format).
  4. Once the download is complete, go to the download location and run the installer.
  5. Follow the installation prompts to install the font on your PC.

Installing the font on your PC

  1. Once you have downloaded the font file, go to the download location and run the installer.
  2. Follow the installation prompts to install the font on your PC.
  3. The font should now be available for use in your PC's font library.


If you encounter any issues during the installation process, you can try the following: