Download new songs by john legend

John Legend is a talented singer-songwriter who has released many amazing songs over the years. Here are a few ways you can download his new songs:

Method 1: Official Music Streaming Platforms

You can download John Legend's new songs from official music streaming platforms like:

  1. Apple Music: You can search for John Legend on Apple Music and download his new songs to your iPhone or iPad.
  2. Spotify: You can search for John Legend on Spotify and download his new songs to your mobile device or computer.
  3. Amazon Music: You can search for John Legend on Amazon Music and download his new songs to your mobile device or computer.
  4. Google Play Music: You can search for John Legend on Google Play Music and download his new songs to your mobile device or computer.

Method 2: iTunes

You can also download John Legend's new songs from iTunes:

  1. Open iTunes on your computer.
  2. Search for John Legend in the search bar.
  3. Click on his name to view his music library.
  4. Click on the "Buy" button next to the song you want to download.
  5. The song will be downloaded to your iTunes library.

Method 3: John Legend's Official Website

You can also download John Legend's new songs from his official website:

  1. Visit John Legend's official website at
  2. Click on the "Music" tab at the top of the page.
  3. Scroll down to the "Discography" section and click on the album you want to download.
  4. Click on the "Download" button next to the song you want to download.
  5. The song will be downloaded to your computer.

Method 4: Music Download Sites

You can also download John Legend's new songs from music download sites like:

  1. ZippyShare
  2. 4Shared
  3. MediaFire
  4. RapidShare

Please note that these sites may not always have the latest songs, and the quality of the downloads may vary.