England agrees return looted cash nigeria

A significant development!

According to reports, the UK government has agreed to return £4.2 million (approximately $5.5 million) in looted funds to Nigeria. This decision comes after years of efforts by the Nigerian government to recover the stolen funds, which were allegedly embezzled by former Nigerian military dictator Sani Abacha.

The looted funds were hidden in secret accounts in the UK, Switzerland, and other countries. The UK's National Crime Agency (NCA) and the Nigerian government have been working together to track down and recover the stolen funds.

In a statement, the UK's Foreign and Commonwealth Office said: "We are committed to supporting Nigeria's efforts to recover stolen assets and to tackling corruption. The return of these funds is an important step forward in this process."

Nigeria's Attorney-General, Abubakar Malami, welcomed the decision, saying: "This is a major breakthrough in our efforts to recover stolen assets and to bring those responsible to justice."

The returned funds will be used to benefit the people of Nigeria, particularly in the areas of healthcare, education, and infrastructure development.

This development is a significant step forward in the fight against corruption and the recovery of stolen assets. It also highlights the importance of international cooperation in tackling corruption and recovering stolen funds.

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