Download new jerusalem tiv songs in mp3

New Jerusalem Tiv is a popular Tiv music group from Nigeria. Here are some of their popular songs that you can download in MP3 format:

Note: Please ensure that you download these songs from reputable sources and respect the intellectual property rights of the artists.

  1. "Kpo Kpo" - This is one of their most popular songs, and it's a great representation of their unique blend of Tiv culture and modern music.
  2. "Tiv Nation" - This song celebrates the Tiv people and their culture, with a catchy beat and meaningful lyrics.
  3. "Mhiz" - This song features a fusion of traditional Tiv instruments and modern production, making it a standout track.
  4. "Kpele" - This song is a slow jam that showcases the group's vocal range and harmonies.
  5. "Tiv Anthem" - As the name suggests, this song is an anthem for the Tiv people, with a powerful message and a catchy melody.

Here are some websites where you can download these songs in MP3 format:

  1. Zamusic: Zamusic is a popular website for downloading Nigerian music, including Tiv songs. You can search for "New Jerusalem Tiv" on the website to find their songs.
  2. Naijaloaded: Naijaloaded is another popular website for downloading Nigerian music. You can search for "New Jerusalem Tiv" on the website to find their songs.
  3. Musicloaded: Musicloaded is a music download website that offers a wide range of Nigerian music, including Tiv songs. You can search for "New Jerusalem Tiv" on the website to find their songs.
  4. Datafilehost: Datafilehost is a file-sharing website that offers a wide range of Nigerian music, including Tiv songs. You can search for "New Jerusalem Tiv" on the website to find their songs.

Remember to always download songs from reputable sources and respect the intellectual property rights of the artists.