7th tokyo international conference comes to an end

The 7th Tokyo International Conference on African Development (TICAD 7) has indeed come to a close. The conference was held from August 28 to 30, 2019, in Yokohama, Japan, and brought together leaders from Africa, Japan, and other countries to discuss ways to promote sustainable development and economic growth in Africa.

TICAD 7 focused on the theme "Advancing African Development through People, Technology, and Innovation" and featured discussions on various topics, including:

  1. Promoting economic growth and development through infrastructure development, trade, and investment.
  2. Enhancing human security and promoting peace and stability in Africa.
  3. Improving health and education outcomes through innovative technologies and partnerships.
  4. Addressing climate change and environmental degradation through sustainable development and green growth.
  5. Fostering people-to-people exchanges and cultural cooperation between Africa and Japan.

The conference was attended by over 3,000 participants, including African heads of state and government, Japanese government officials, business leaders, and experts from various fields. The event also featured a business forum, where Japanese and African companies showcased their products and services, and a civil society forum, where non-governmental organizations and community groups shared their experiences and best practices.

The outcomes of TICAD 7 included the adoption of the Yokohama Declaration, which outlined the conference's key messages and recommendations for promoting African development. The declaration emphasized the importance of partnerships, innovation, and sustainable development in achieving Africa's development goals.

Overall, TICAD 7 was a significant event that highlighted the importance of international cooperation and collaboration in promoting African development and achieving the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).