Download new jerusalem bible for pc

Here are a few ways to download the New Jerusalem Bible (NJB) for your PC:

Method 1: Online Bible Websites

  1. Visit the website of the Catholic Church's official Bible publisher, Oxford University Press (OUP):
  2. Click on "Bibles" and then "New Jerusalem Bible" to access the online version.
  3. You can read the Bible online for free, or purchase a digital copy for your PC or other devices.

Method 2: Bible Software

  1. Download and install Bible software like e-Sword, Bible Analyzer, or Xiphos, which offer the NJB translation.
  2. These software programs allow you to search, study, and read the Bible on your PC.

Method 3: PDF or EPUB Download

  1. Visit a website that offers free Bible downloads, such as or Christian Classics Ethereal Library (CCEL).
  2. Search for the NJB translation and download the PDF or EPUB file.
  3. You can then transfer the file to your PC and read it using a PDF reader or e-book software like Adobe Digital Editions.

Method 4: Purchase a Digital Copy

  1. Visit online bookstores like Amazon or Google Play Books and search for the NJB translation.
  2. Purchase a digital copy of the NJB in EPUB or PDF format, which can be downloaded to your PC.

Popular Bible Software with NJB

  1. e-Sword: A popular Bible study software that offers the NJB translation.
  2. Bible Analyzer: A free Bible study software that includes the NJB translation.
  3. Xiphos: A free, open-source Bible study software that includes the NJB translation.

Remember to always verify the authenticity and accuracy of the Bible translation and software you download.