Dont presidential ambition 2019 orji kalu

You're referring to the 2019 presidential ambition of Orji Uzor Kalu, a former Governor of Abia State and a serving Senator.

Orji Kalu, a member of the All Progressives Congress (APC), had announced his intention to run for the presidency in the 2019 general elections. However, he later withdrew his ambition and endorsed President Muhammadu Buhari for a second term.

Kalu's decision to withdraw from the presidential race was reportedly due to the lack of support from his party, the APC, and the emergence of other strong contenders for the party's ticket. Despite his withdrawal, Kalu remained a key figure in the APC and continued to play a significant role in the party's activities.

It's worth noting that Kalu's presidential ambition was not without controversy. Some critics accused him of being a "draft candidate" who was being pushed by powerful forces within the APC to run for the presidency. Others questioned his ability to lead the country, citing his controversial record as Governor of Abia State and his alleged involvement in corruption scandals.

Despite these controversies, Kalu remains a prominent figure in Nigerian politics and continues to play a significant role in the APC.