Dr ben carson latest news

Dr. Ben Carson is a renowned American neurosurgeon, author, and former presidential candidate. Here are some of the latest news and updates about him:

Recent News:

  1. Ben Carson to lead Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD): In 2017, Dr. Carson was appointed as the Secretary of HUD by President Donald Trump. He has been leading the department since March 2017.
  2. HUD's Affordable Housing Plan: In 2020, Dr. Carson unveiled a new plan to address the affordable housing crisis in the United States. The plan aims to increase the supply of affordable housing, improve access to credit for low-income families, and reduce regulatory barriers.
  3. HUD's Efforts to Combat Homelessness: Dr. Carson has been working to address homelessness in the United States. In 2020, HUD launched a new initiative to provide permanent supportive housing to homeless individuals and families.
  4. Ben Carson's Memoir: In 2020, Dr. Carson published a new memoir titled "A More Perfect Union: What We the People Can Do to Reclaim Our Country." The book explores his life story, his experiences as a neurosurgeon, and his thoughts on politics and society.

Recent Quotes and Statements:

  1. On the COVID-19 Pandemic: "We need to be careful, we need to be smart, and we need to be strategic in our approach to dealing with this pandemic." (Source: HUD Press Release, March 2020)
  2. On Affordable Housing: "We need to make sure that we're providing affordable housing opportunities for all Americans, regardless of their income level or zip code." (Source: HUD Press Release, June 2020)
  3. On Homelessness: "Homelessness is a complex issue that requires a comprehensive approach. We need to provide permanent supportive housing, job training, and mental health services to help individuals and families get back on their feet." (Source: HUD Press Release, August 2020)

Recent Awards and Honors:

  1. Presidential Medal of Freedom: In 2020, Dr. Carson was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the highest civilian honor in the United States, by President Donald Trump.
  2. National Medal of Science: In 2016, Dr. Carson was awarded the National Medal of Science, the highest scientific honor in the United States, by President Barack Obama.

Please note that the news and updates provided are subject to change and may not be comprehensive.