Donald trump lgbt news

Donald Trump's stance on LGBTQ+ issues has been a topic of controversy and debate during his presidency. Here are some key news stories and developments related to Trump's views on LGBTQ+ rights:

  1. Repeal of Obama-era protections: In 2017, Trump signed an executive order that repealed the Obama administration's guidance allowing transgender students to use the bathroom that corresponds to their gender identity. The order also rolled back protections for LGBTQ+ workers in the federal government.
  2. Ban on transgender military service: In 2017, Trump announced that he would ban transgender individuals from serving in the military, citing "tremendous medical costs" and "disruption." The ban was blocked by several courts, and in 2020, the Supreme Court ruled that the ban was unconstitutional.
  3. Withdrawal from UN Human Rights Council: In 2018, Trump announced that the United States would withdraw from the UN Human Rights Council, citing its "chronic bias against Israel" and "anti-Israel bias." The council has been a key platform for LGBTQ+ rights advocates to push for international protections.
  4. LGBTQ+ rights in foreign policy: Trump's administration has been criticized for its lack of attention to LGBTQ+ rights in foreign policy. In 2019, the State Department's annual human rights report did not include any specific mention of LGBTQ+ rights for the first time in over a decade.
  5. Pulse nightclub shooting response: In 2016, Trump responded to the Pulse nightclub shooting in Orlando, which killed 49 people, by saying that the shooter was "born this way" and that the attack was a result of "radical Islamic terrorism." His response was criticized for being insensitive and lacking in understanding of the LGBTQ+ community.
  6. LGBTQ+ appointees: Despite his administration's lack of support for LGBTQ+ rights, Trump has appointed several LGBTQ+ individuals to key positions, including Richard Grenell as the US Ambassador to Germany and Brian Buescher as a federal judge.
  7. LGBTQ+ advocacy: Trump has been criticized for his lack of support for LGBTQ+ advocacy groups and organizations. In 2019, he refused to meet with LGBTQ+ leaders from the Human Rights Campaign and other organizations.
  8. LGBTQ+ rights in the 2020 election: During the 2020 presidential election, Trump's administration faced criticism for its handling of LGBTQ+ issues, including the ban on transgender military service and the withdrawal from the UN Human Rights Council. Trump's opponent, Joe Biden, campaigned on a platform that included support for LGBTQ+ rights, including the Equality Act.

Overall, Trump's presidency has been marked by controversy and debate over his stance on LGBTQ+ issues. While he has appointed some LGBTQ+ individuals to key positions, his administration's policies and actions have been criticized for being harmful and discriminatory towards the LGBTQ+ community.