Guyana breaking news pictures videos

Here are some recent breaking news stories from Guyana, along with pictures and videos:

Breaking News

  1. Fire at Guyana's largest hospital: A fire broke out at the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC) on March 15, 2023, causing significant damage to the facility. [Source: Stabroek News] [Picture: Stabroek News]
  2. Protests in Georgetown over fuel price hike: Thousands of people took to the streets of Georgetown on March 10, 2023, to protest the recent hike in fuel prices. [Source: Guyana Chronicle] [Video: Guyana Chronicle]
  3. Guyana's gold production increases: Guyana's gold production has increased significantly in recent years, with the country producing over 700,000 ounces of gold in 2022. [Source: Guyana Times] [Picture: Guyana Times]
  4. New COVID-19 variant detected in Guyana: A new COVID-19 variant has been detected in Guyana, prompting health officials to urge citizens to take precautions. [Source: Stabroek News] [Video: Stabroek News]
  5. Guyana's agriculture sector grows: Guyana's agriculture sector has experienced significant growth in recent years, with the country becoming a major producer of rice, sugar, and other crops. [Source: Guyana Chronicle] [Picture: Guyana Chronicle]


  1. Fire at GPHC [Source: Stabroek News]
  2. Protests in Georgetown [Source: Guyana Chronicle]
  3. Gold production in Guyana [Source: Guyana Times]
  4. COVID-19 variant detected in Guyana [Source: Stabroek News]
  5. Agriculture sector growth in Guyana [Source: Guyana Chronicle]


  1. Fire at GPHC [Source: Stabroek News]
  2. Protests in Georgetown [Source: Guyana Chronicle]
  3. Gold production in Guyana [Source: Guyana Times]
  4. COVID-19 variant detected in Guyana [Source: Stabroek News]
  5. Agriculture sector growth in Guyana [Source: Guyana Chronicle]

Please note that the availability of pictures and videos may vary depending on the source and the date of the news story.