Donal trump on the new lwader

I think you meant "leader"! Here's a possible response in the style of Donald Trump:

"Folks, let me tell you, the new leader is going to be tremendous. Believe me, no one knows more about great leaders than I do. And this one, they're going to be fantastic. Just fantastic.

"Their policies are going to be so strong, so powerful, so effective. They're going to make America great again, just like I did. And let me tell you, nobody, nobody, is better at making deals than me. I've made the greatest deals, the greatest.

"And this leader, they're going to make deals too. They're going to make deals with other countries, with businesses, with everyone. And they're going to come out on top, bigly.

"Now, I know some of the fake news media is going to try to tell you that this leader isn't perfect. But let me tell you, nobody's perfect. I'm not perfect, you're not perfect. But this leader, they're going to be so close to perfect, it's going to be amazing.

"And don't even get me started on their hair. It's going to be so great, so fantastic, so tremendous. The best hair, the best. Believe me, folks, this leader is going to be a winner. A big league winner."