Don t pour new wine into old wineskins

A great reference to the Bible!

The phrase "don't pour new wine into old wineskins" is a metaphorical expression that comes from Matthew 9:17 and Mark 2:22. It is a teaching of Jesus Christ, and it means that you shouldn't try to put new, fresh, or innovative things into old, worn-out, or rigid systems or structures.

In the context of the Bible, Jesus was explaining the concept of the kingdom of God to his disciples. He was saying that the kingdom of God is like a new, fresh, and powerful wine that is poured into new wineskins, which are flexible and can stretch to accommodate the new wine. Old wineskins, on the other hand, are rigid and cannot stretch, so if you try to pour new wine into them, they will burst and the wine will be lost.

Similarly, in our lives, we should be careful not to try to put new, innovative, or fresh ideas into old, rigid, or worn-out systems or structures. This can lead to frustration, failure, and even destruction. Instead, we should be willing to adapt, change, and evolve to accommodate the new and the fresh.

This teaching has many applications in our lives, such as:

  1. Personal growth: Don't try to put new habits or skills into old, rigid mindsets. Be willing to adapt and change to grow and evolve.
  2. Relationships: Don't try to pour new love or energy into old, stagnant relationships. Be willing to nurture and grow the relationship, or move on to new ones.
  3. Work or career: Don't try to put new ideas or innovations into old, outdated systems or structures. Be willing to adapt and change to stay relevant and successful.
  4. Faith: Don't try to pour new spiritual practices or teachings into old, rigid beliefs or traditions. Be willing to adapt and grow in your faith.

In summary, the phrase "don't pour new wine into old wineskins" reminds us to be flexible, adaptable, and open to change, so that we can accommodate the new and the fresh in our lives.