Coronavirus risk of spread upgraded to highest level

The World Health Organization (WHO) has upgraded the risk of spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19) to its highest level, warning that the virus is spreading rapidly and has the potential to spread to all countries.

The WHO Director-General, Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, made the announcement on January 30, 2020, stating that the virus has spread to 24 countries and territories, and that the number of cases is increasing exponentially.

The WHO has raised the risk level to "very high" (level 3) on its six-level risk assessment scale, which is the highest level of risk. This means that the virus has the potential to spread rapidly and widely, and that the risk of transmission is high.

The WHO has also declared the outbreak a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC), which is the highest level of alert for a global health crisis.

The upgrade in risk level is based on several factors, including:

  1. The rapid spread of the virus: The number of cases has increased rapidly, with over 9,000 reported cases in China alone.
  2. The virus's ability to spread before symptoms appear: The virus can spread before symptoms appear, making it difficult to track and contain.
  3. The lack of immunity: The virus is a new strain, and most people have no immunity to it.
  4. The potential for widespread transmission: The virus has the potential to spread widely, particularly in crowded areas and during travel.

The WHO is urging countries to take immediate action to contain the spread of the virus, including:

  1. Implementing travel restrictions
  2. Increasing surveillance and testing
  3. Providing personal protective equipment (PPE) to healthcare workers
  4. Implementing infection control measures in healthcare settings
  5. Providing information and guidance to the public

The WHO is also working closely with countries to develop a vaccine and to develop treatments for the virus.

It's important to note that the risk of spread of the virus is not limited to China, and that the virus has the potential to spread to all countries.