Jonathan ran cbn like idi amin soludo #

It seems like you're referencing a popular Nigerian meme!

For those who may not be familiar, "CBN" stands for Central Bank of Nigeria, and "Soludo" is a reference to Chukwuma Soludo, a former Governor of the Central Bank of Nigeria.

The meme is likely poking fun at Jonathan's perceived handling of the economy during his presidency, with the implication that he ran the CBN like Idi Amin, a notorious Ugandan dictator known for his brutal regime.

The humor in this meme likely stems from the unexpected comparison between Jonathan's presidency and Idi Amin's regime, which is often associated with chaos, corruption, and human rights abuses.

It's worth noting that memes can be subjective and may not be taken seriously by everyone. However, they often provide a humorous way to comment on current events, politics, and societal issues.