Does god forgive adultery and accepts the new relationship

A complex and sensitive topic!

In many religious traditions, including Christianity, Judaism, and Islam, adultery is considered a serious sin and a violation of the sacred institution of marriage. The Bible, for example, explicitly condemns adultery in several passages, including Exodus 20:17, Leviticus 18:20, and Matthew 5:27-28.

However, the question of whether God forgives adultery and accepts a new relationship is a matter of interpretation and debate among religious scholars and individuals. Here are some possible perspectives:




In conclusion:

While there is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, it is clear that adultery is considered a serious sin in many religious traditions. The question of whether God forgives adultery and accepts a new relationship is a matter of interpretation and debate among religious scholars and individuals. Ultimately, the decision to forgive and accept a new relationship would depend on the specific circumstances and the individuals involved.