State institutions in nasarawa suspend strike action

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The strike action embarked upon by workers in Nasarawa State institutions has been suspended, following a meeting between the state government and the leadership of the Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC) and the Trade Union Congress (TUC).

The strike, which was called off on Monday, was in protest of the non-payment of salaries and allowances to workers in the state. The workers had been on strike for several days, causing disruptions to public services and economic activities in the state.

According to reports, the state government and the labour unions reached an agreement to suspend the strike, pending the payment of outstanding salaries and allowances to workers. The government also agreed to set up a committee to investigate the causes of the delay in payment and to ensure that such delays do not occur in the future.

The suspension of the strike is seen as a major relief to the people of Nasarawa State, who had been affected by the strike. The state government has also commended the labour unions for their cooperation and understanding in resolving the issue.

Details of the agreement:

