Does god answer prayers of sabbath breakers

What a great question!

In Christianity, the Bible teaches that God is a God of justice and righteousness, and that He is holy and separate from sin (Isaiah 6:1-5, Habakkuk 1:13). The Sabbath, which is the day of rest, is a sacred institution that was given to Israel as a reminder of God's creation and redemption (Exodus 20:8-11, Deuteronomy 5:12-15).

Breaking the Sabbath, also known as Sabbath-breaking, is considered a sin in the eyes of God (Exodus 31:14, Numbers 15:32-36). In fact, the Bible says that those who break the Sabbath will be cut off from their people and will bear the punishment of their iniquity (Numbers 15:30-31).

So, does God answer the prayers of Sabbath breakers? The answer is complex and depends on various factors.

In general, the Bible teaches that God is a God who answers prayer, and that He is willing to forgive and restore those who repent of their sins (Psalm 66:18-20, Isaiah 55:6-7). However, the Bible also teaches that God is a God of justice, and that He will not tolerate sin or disobedience (Exodus 20:5, Leviticus 26:14-17).

In the case of Sabbath breakers, the Bible teaches that God may not answer their prayers in the same way that He answers the prayers of those who keep the Sabbath. In fact, the Bible says that those who break the Sabbath will not be heard by God (Isaiah 1:15, Amos 5:21-22).

However, it's important to note that the Bible also teaches that God is a God of mercy and forgiveness, and that He is willing to forgive those who repent of their sins and turn to Him (Psalm 103:12, Isaiah 1:18). Therefore, while God may not answer the prayers of Sabbath breakers in the same way that He answers the prayers of those who keep the Sabbath, He may still answer their prayers if they repent of their sin and turn to Him.

In conclusion, while God is a God who answers prayer, the Bible teaches that He may not answer the prayers of Sabbath breakers in the same way that He answers the prayers of those who keep the Sabbath. However, God is a God of mercy and forgiveness, and He is willing to forgive those who repent of their sins and turn to Him.