New progressive movement

The new progressive movement! It's an exciting time for social and political change. Here's a rundown of what's happening:

Key issues:

  1. Economic inequality: The widening wealth gap between the rich and the poor is a major concern. Progressives are pushing for policies like higher minimum wages, progressive taxation, and worker-owned cooperatives.
  2. Climate change: The urgency of addressing climate change is driving a new wave of activism, with a focus on renewable energy, sustainable infrastructure, and climate justice.
  3. Racial justice: The Black Lives Matter movement and other anti-racism efforts are pushing for systemic change, including police reform, voting rights, and economic empowerment for marginalized communities.
  4. Immigration reform: Progressives are advocating for a more humane and inclusive approach to immigration, including a pathway to citizenship for undocumented immigrants.
  5. Healthcare: The Affordable Care Act (ACA) is under threat, and progressives are fighting to protect and expand healthcare access, including Medicare for All and Medicaid expansion.
  6. Education: There's a growing movement to reform education, focusing on issues like free college, debt forgiveness, and equitable funding for public schools.
  7. Democracy and voting rights: Progressives are pushing for voting reforms, such as automatic voter registration, same-day registration, and the elimination of voter ID laws.

New progressive leaders:

  1. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: The youngest woman ever elected to Congress, Ocasio-Cortez is a leading voice on issues like climate change, healthcare, and economic inequality.
  2. Bernie Sanders: The Vermont senator has been a champion of progressive causes, including Medicare for All, free college, and climate action.
  3. Elizabeth Warren: The Massachusetts senator is known for her advocacy on issues like consumer protection, student loan debt, and economic inequality.
  4. Ilhan Omar: The Minnesota congresswoman is a leading voice on issues like racial justice, immigration reform, and climate change.
  5. AOC's Squad: A group of progressive congresswomen, including Ocasio-Cortez, Omar, Rashida Tlaib, and Ayanna Pressley, are pushing for change on issues like healthcare, education, and economic inequality.

New progressive organizations:

  1. The Sunrise Movement: A youth-led organization focused on climate change and economic inequality.
  2. The Working Families Party: A political party that advocates for workers' rights, healthcare, and education.
  3. The Progressive Change Campaign Committee: A PAC that supports progressive candidates and issues.
  4. The Center for Popular Democracy: A non-profit organization that works on issues like economic inequality, racial justice, and climate change.
  5. The National Domestic Workers Alliance: An organization that advocates for the rights of domestic workers, including fair wages and benefits.

New progressive media outlets:

  1. The Intercept: An online news site that focuses on national security, civil liberties, and corruption.
  2. The Nation: A progressive magazine that covers politics, culture, and social justice.
  3. Jacobin: A left-wing magazine that publishes articles on economics, politics, and culture.
  4. The Progressive: A magazine that covers progressive politics, social justice, and environmental issues.
  5. Democracy Now!: A daily news program that focuses on progressive issues and social justice.

These are just a few examples of the new progressive movement. It's an exciting time for social and political change, and there are many more organizations, leaders, and media outlets emerging to push for a more just and equitable society.