Does a new boiler need a gas safety certificate

In the UK, a new boiler installation requires a Gas Safe Register certificate, which is also known as a Gas Safety Certificate. This certificate is issued by a Gas Safe registered engineer after they have completed the installation and ensured that the boiler is safe to use.

The Gas Safe Register is the official gas industry body in the UK, and it's responsible for ensuring that gas appliances are installed, maintained, and serviced safely. The Gas Safe Register certificate is a legal requirement for all gas appliances, including new boilers.

Here are some key points to note:

  1. New boiler installation: A Gas Safe registered engineer must install the new boiler, and they will issue a Gas Safety Certificate once the installation is complete.
  2. Annual servicing: Even after the initial installation, the boiler will require annual servicing to ensure it remains safe and efficient. The Gas Safe registered engineer will issue a Gas Safety Certificate after each annual service.
  3. Landlord responsibilities: If you're a landlord, you're responsible for ensuring that your tenants' gas appliances, including the boiler, are safe and well-maintained. You'll need to keep a record of the Gas Safety Certificates for each appliance.
  4. Homeowner responsibilities: As a homeowner, you're responsible for ensuring that your gas appliances, including the boiler, are safe and well-maintained. You should keep a record of the Gas Safety Certificates for each appliance.

Remember, a Gas Safe Register certificate is not just a recommendation; it's a legal requirement to ensure the safety of your home and its occupants.