Javascript string new line

In JavaScript, there are a few ways to represent a new line in a string:

  1. Using the newline character (\n): This is the most common way to represent a new line in a string. You can use the \n character to insert a new line in your string.
    const myString = "Hello\nWorld!";

    This will render as:

Hello World!

  1. Using the carriage return character (\r): This character is used to move the cursor to the beginning of the current line. You can use it in combination with the newline character (\n) to create a new line.
    const myString = "Hello\r\nWorld!";

    This will render as:

Hello World!

  1. Using the Unicode escape sequence (\u000A): This is another way to represent a new line in a string. The \u000A sequence represents the Unicode character for a newline.
    const myString = "Hello\u000AWorld!";

    This will render as:

Hello World!

  1. Using the string concatenation method: You can also use string concatenation to create a new line in a string. For example:
    const myString = "Hello" + "\n" + "World!";

    This will render as:

Hello World!

Note that the \n character is platform-independent, meaning it will work on both Windows and Unix-based systems. The \r character, on the other hand, is specific to Windows and may not work on Unix-based systems.