Documentary hypothesis in new testament gospel debate pdf

The Documentary Hypothesis is a theory in biblical scholarship that proposes that the New Testament Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John) were not written by a single author, but rather are a compilation of earlier written sources. Here is a PDF document that summarizes the Documentary Hypothesis in the context of the New Testament Gospel debate:

The Documentary Hypothesis: A Summary


The Documentary Hypothesis is a theory that attempts to explain the composition of the New Testament Gospels. It proposes that the Gospels were not written by a single author, but rather are a compilation of earlier written sources. This theory has been widely debated among biblical scholars and has significant implications for our understanding of the Gospels.

The Theory

The Documentary Hypothesis suggests that the Gospels were composed from a combination of three main sources:

  1. Mark: The earliest of the three sources, Mark is thought to have been written around 68-70 CE. It is considered to be the most primitive of the three sources and is often referred to as the "source" or "Q" (from the German word "Quelle," meaning "source").
  2. Q: Q is a hypothetical source that is thought to have been written around 50-60 CE. It is believed to have been a collection of sayings and teachings of Jesus that were not included in Mark.
  3. M: M is a hypothetical source that is thought to have been written around 80-90 CE. It is believed to have been a collection of material that was unique to Matthew and Luke, but not found in Mark.

The Composition of the Gospels

According to the Documentary Hypothesis, the Gospels were composed by combining these three sources in different ways. For example:

Implications of the Documentary Hypothesis

The Documentary Hypothesis has significant implications for our understanding of the Gospels. For example:

Criticisms of the Documentary Hypothesis

While the Documentary Hypothesis has been widely accepted by many biblical scholars, it has also been subject to criticism and debate. Some of the criticisms include:


The Documentary Hypothesis is a complex and debated theory that attempts to explain the composition of the New Testament Gospels. While it has significant implications for our understanding of the Gospels, it is not without its criticisms and limitations. Ultimately, the Documentary Hypothesis remains one of the most widely accepted theories in biblical scholarship, but it is not the only theory and continues to be the subject of ongoing debate and discussion.


Note: This is a summary document and is not intended to be a comprehensive or exhaustive treatment of the Documentary Hypothesis.