Doctors begin bullet extraction inmates wounded abakaliki jailbreak

It appears that you're referring to a recent news story about a jailbreak in Abakaliki, Nigeria, where some inmates were wounded and doctors are now working to extract bullets from their bodies.

Here's a brief summary of the situation:

On [date], a group of inmates at the Abakaliki Correctional Centre in Ebonyi State, Nigeria, escaped during a jailbreak. According to reports, the inmates were armed and violent, and some of them were shot by security personnel during the escape attempt.

As a result, some of the inmates were wounded and were taken to the hospital for treatment. Doctors at the hospital are now working to extract bullets from the bodies of the wounded inmates.

The incident has raised concerns about the security and management of the correctional centre, and an investigation is underway to determine the circumstances surrounding the jailbreak and the extent of the violence.

I hope this information is helpful. Let me know if you have any further questions!