Do new drivers get double points

In the United States, new drivers who are under the age of 18 or 21 (depending on the state) may be subject to a "provisional" or "new driver" license, which comes with certain restrictions and penalties.

In some states, new drivers may receive double points on their license for certain traffic violations, such as:

  1. Speeding: New drivers may receive double points for speeding violations, which can lead to higher insurance rates and increased risk of license suspension.
  2. Accidents: New drivers may receive double points for being involved in an accident, which can lead to increased insurance rates and potential license suspension.
  3. Moving violations: New drivers may receive double points for certain moving violations, such as reckless driving, tailgating, or failure to yield.

However, not all states impose double points on new drivers. The specific rules and penalties vary by state, so it's essential to check the laws and regulations in your state to understand how they apply to new drivers.

Some states that impose double points on new drivers include:

It's important to note that even if a state does not impose double points on new drivers, they may still be subject to other penalties and restrictions, such as increased insurance rates, license suspension, or community service.