Do i need a new account to create facebook page

To create a Facebook Page, you don't necessarily need a new Facebook account. Here are a few options:

  1. Use an existing Facebook account: If you already have a personal Facebook account, you can use that account to create a Facebook Page. Just go to and click on "Create New Page" and follow the prompts.
  2. Use a Facebook account with a different email address: If you want to keep your personal Facebook account separate from your Page, you can create a new Facebook account using a different email address. This way, you can manage your Page without mixing it with your personal account.
  3. Use a Facebook Business Manager account: If you're creating a Page for a business or organization, you may want to consider using a Facebook Business Manager account. This is a separate account that allows you to manage multiple Pages, ads, and other business-related activities. You can create a Business Manager account and then create a Page within it.

To create a Facebook Page, you'll need to provide some basic information, such as:

Once you've created your Page, you can customize it with posts, photos, videos, and other content to engage with your audience.

I hope that helps!