Do hult prize ideas have to be brand new

No, Hult Prize ideas don't necessarily have to be brand new. While innovation and originality are highly valued in the competition, the Hult Prize Foundation also recognizes and encourages the development of existing solutions that can be scaled and replicated to have a greater impact.

In fact, the Hult Prize Foundation has a specific track record of supporting and scaling existing solutions that have been proven to work. Many of the winning teams have built upon existing ideas, technologies, or business models, and have adapted them to address specific social or environmental challenges.

That being said, the Hult Prize does encourage teams to think creatively and come up with innovative solutions that can make a significant impact. If you're considering applying to the Hult Prize, here are some tips to keep in mind:

  1. Build upon existing solutions: Identify existing solutions that have shown promise and think about how you can improve upon them, scale them, or adapt them to a new context.
  2. Innovate within a proven framework: Take an existing solution and innovate within its framework. For example, you could improve the design, materials, or manufacturing process of an existing product or technology.
  3. Combine existing solutions: Combine two or more existing solutions to create something new and innovative.
  4. Apply existing technologies to new challenges: Think about how existing technologies can be applied to new challenges or industries.
  5. Focus on scalability and replicability: Regardless of whether your idea is new or existing, focus on how you can scale and replicate your solution to have a greater impact.

Ultimately, the Hult Prize is looking for teams that can demonstrate a deep understanding of the problem they're trying to solve, a clear plan for how they'll address it, and a commitment to scaling and replicating their solution to make a meaningful impact.