More news on sassa as r350 grant applicants studied hub opportunities

Here are some recent updates on the SASSA R350 grant and opportunities for applicants:

SASSA R350 Grant Update

The South African Social Security Agency (SASSA) has announced that the R350 grant, also known as the Special COVID-19 Social Relief of Distress (SRD) grant, will continue until March 2023. The grant was initially introduced to provide financial assistance to individuals who were severely affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.

New Hub Opportunities for Applicants

SASSA has partnered with various organizations to provide additional support to R350 grant applicants. These organizations, known as "Hubs," offer a range of services, including:

  1. Job placement: Hubs will assist applicants in finding employment opportunities that match their skills and qualifications.
  2. Skills training: Hubs will provide training and development programs to help applicants acquire new skills and improve their employability.
  3. Business support: Hubs will offer business development support to applicants who want to start their own businesses.
  4. Financial literacy: Hubs will provide financial literacy training to help applicants manage their finances effectively.

Some of the organizations that are part of the SASSA Hub initiative include:

  1. The Nelson Mandela Foundation: The foundation will provide job placement and skills training opportunities to R350 grant applicants.
  2. The South African National Youth Development Agency (SANYDA): SANYDA will offer job placement, skills training, and business support to R350 grant applicants.
  3. The Small Enterprise Development Agency (SEDA): SEDA will provide business support and training to R350 grant applicants who want to start their own businesses.
  4. The Department of Employment and Labour: The department will offer job placement and skills training opportunities to R350 grant applicants.

How to Access Hub Opportunities

To access the Hub opportunities, R350 grant applicants can follow these steps:

  1. Check your email: SASSA will send an email to R350 grant applicants with information on how to access the Hub opportunities.
  2. Visit the SASSA website: Applicants can visit the SASSA website and click on the "Hubs" tab to find out more about the opportunities available.
  3. Contact the Hubs directly: Applicants can contact the Hubs directly to find out more about the opportunities available and to register for the programs.

Important Dates

I hope this information is helpful!