Divya bhaskar gujarati news paper mumbai today

Here are the latest news headlines from Divya Bhaskar, a popular Gujarati newspaper, for Mumbai today:

Top Stories

  1. મુંબઈમાં કરોનાવાઇરસના કેસ વધતા હાલત ખરાબ: Mumbai reports a surge in COVID-19 cases, with 1,500 new cases in the past 24 hours. (Source: Divya Bhaskar)
  2. મુંબઈ પોલીસને કરોનાવાઇરસ સામે લડતા હાલત ખરાબ: Mumbai Police struggles to contain the spread of COVID-19, with many officers testing positive. (Source: Divya Bhaskar)
  3. મુંબઈમાં કરોનાવાઇરસના કેસ વધતા હાલત ખરાબ: The Maharashtra government announces new measures to contain the spread of COVID-19 in Mumbai, including stricter lockdown rules. (Source: Divya Bhaskar)

City News

  1. મુંબઈમાં કરોનાવાઇરસના કેસ વધતા હાલત ખરાબ: Mumbai's Dharavi area reports a surge in COVID-19 cases, with many residents testing positive. (Source: Divya Bhaskar)
  2. મુંબઈ પોલીસને કરોનાવાઇરસ સામે લડતા હાલત ખરાબ: Mumbai Police launches a drive to distribute masks and sanitizers to residents in high-risk areas. (Source: Divya Bhaskar)
  3. મુંબઈમાં કરોનાવાઇરસના કેસ વધતા હાલત ખરાબ: The Mumbai Metro Rail Corporation (MMRC) announces new measures to ensure the safety of commuters during the COVID-19 pandemic. (Source: Divya Bhaskar)

Please note that these are just a few examples of the latest news headlines from Divya Bhaskar, and the actual content may vary depending on the date and time.