China army news

Here are some recent news updates about the Chinese Army:

Recent Developments:

  1. China's Military Modernization: China has been rapidly modernizing its military, with a focus on advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence, cyber warfare, and hypersonic missiles. (Source: The Diplomat)
  2. PLA's New Command Structure: The Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA) has introduced a new command structure, aimed at improving its operational efficiency and decision-making process. (Source: Global Times)
  3. China's First Homegrown Aircraft Carrier: China has launched its first homegrown aircraft carrier, the Type 001A, which is expected to be commissioned in 2022. (Source: South China Morning Post)
  4. PLA's Cyber Warfare Capabilities: The PLA has been expanding its cyber warfare capabilities, with a focus on disrupting enemy command and control systems. (Source: The National Interest)
  5. China's Military Presence in the South China Sea: China has been increasing its military presence in the South China Sea, with a focus on building artificial islands and deploying military assets. (Source: Reuters)

Recent Exercises and Drills:

  1. PLA's "Shaolin" Exercise: The PLA conducted a large-scale exercise, codenamed "Shaolin", which focused on joint operations and combat readiness. (Source: China Daily)
  2. China-Russia Joint Military Exercise: China and Russia conducted a joint military exercise, codenamed "Vostok-2018", which focused on counter-terrorism and joint operations. (Source: TASS)
  3. PLA's "Zhenhua" Exercise: The PLA conducted a large-scale exercise, codenamed "Zhenhua", which focused on amphibious operations and beach landings. (Source: Global Times)

Recent Procurement and Acquisition:

  1. China's Purchase of Russian Su-35 Fighter Jets: China has purchased 24 Su-35 fighter jets from Russia, as part of a larger deal worth $2 billion. (Source: The Diplomat)
  2. PLA's Acquisition of Russian S-400 Air Defense Systems: The PLA has acquired the S-400 air defense system from Russia, which is capable of detecting and destroying enemy aircraft and missiles. (Source: The National Interest)
  3. China's Development of the DF-41 Intercontinental Ballistic Missile: China has been developing the DF-41 intercontinental ballistic missile, which is capable of carrying multiple warheads and striking targets thousands of miles away. (Source: The Diplomat)

Recent International Cooperation:

  1. China's Military Cooperation with Pakistan: China and Pakistan have been strengthening their military cooperation, with a focus on joint exercises and training programs. (Source: The Diplomat)
  2. China's Military Cooperation with Russia: China and Russia have been increasing their military cooperation, with a focus on joint exercises, training programs, and arms sales. (Source: TASS)
  3. China's Participation in the Shanghai Cooperation Organization: China has been actively participating in the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), a regional security organization that includes Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan. (Source: The Diplomat)

Please note that the information provided is based on publicly available sources and may not reflect the official stance of the Chinese government or the PLA.