Distance ontario to new york
The distance from Ontario, Canada to New York, USA depends on the specific locations within each province/state. Here are the approximate distances between some major cities in Ontario and New York:
- Toronto, Ontario to New York City, New York: 560 km (348 miles), approximately 6-7 hour drive or 1.5 hour flight
- Ottawa, Ontario to Albany, New York: 430 km (267 miles), approximately 5-6 hour drive or 1 hour flight
- London, Ontario to Buffalo, New York: 340 km (211 miles), approximately 4-5 hour drive or 1 hour flight
- Windsor, Ontario to Buffalo, New York: 320 km (200 miles), approximately 4-5 hour drive or 1 hour flight
Please note that these distances are approximate and may vary depending on the specific routes taken. Additionally, there may be different distances and travel times depending on the mode of transportation you choose (e.g. driving, flying, taking the bus or train).