Download new general mathematics textbook

Here are a few options to download a new general mathematics textbook:

Free Textbooks:

  1. OpenStax: OpenStax offers a free online textbook for College Algebra, which covers topics such as functions, graphs, and equations.
  2. MIT OpenCourseWare: MIT offers free online textbooks for various mathematics courses, including Calculus, Linear Algebra, and Differential Equations.
  3. Project Gutenberg: Project Gutenberg offers over 60,000 free e-books, including mathematics textbooks.

Paid Textbooks:

  1. Amazon: You can search for "general mathematics textbook" on Amazon and filter the results by price, customer reviews, and publication date.
  2. Wiley: Wiley offers a range of mathematics textbooks, including "General Mathematics" by David R. Hill and "Mathematics: A Very Short Introduction" by Timothy Gowers.
  3. Pearson: Pearson offers a range of mathematics textbooks, including "General Mathematics" by Michael Corral and "Mathematics: A Concise Introduction" by David R. Hill.

Online Resources:

  1. Khan Academy: Khan Academy offers free online courses and resources for mathematics, including algebra, geometry, and calculus.
  2. Mathway: Mathway is an online math problem solver that can help you with various math topics, including algebra, geometry, and calculus.
  3. Wolfram Alpha: Wolfram Alpha is a powerful online calculator that can help you with various math topics, including algebra, geometry, and calculus.

Some popular general mathematics textbooks include:

  1. "General Mathematics" by David R. Hill
  2. "Mathematics: A Very Short Introduction" by Timothy Gowers
  3. "Mathematics: A Concise Introduction" by David R. Hill
  4. "College Algebra" by Michael Corral
  5. "Calculus: Early Transcendentals" by James Stewart

Please note that some of these resources may require registration or subscription.