Distance learning centre new portal university of ibadan

The University of Ibadan has launched a new portal for its Distance Learning Centre. Here are some key features and benefits of the new portal:

Portal Name: UI-DLC Portal

Purpose: The UI-DLC Portal is designed to provide a seamless and efficient platform for students, lecturers, and administrators to access and manage distance learning resources, courses, and activities.


  1. Student Portal: Students can access their personal dashboard, view course schedules, download course materials, submit assignments, and check grades.
  2. Lecturer Portal: Lecturers can upload course materials, submit assignments, and grade students' work.
  3. Course Management: The portal allows for easy course creation, editing, and management.
  4. Communication: The portal enables real-time communication between students, lecturers, and administrators through discussion forums, email, and messaging.
  5. Payment Gateway: Students can make payments for courses, tuition fees, and other services through the portal.
  6. Resource Library: The portal provides access to a vast library of e-learning resources, including textbooks, articles, and multimedia content.
  7. Assessment and Evaluation: The portal allows for online quizzes, tests, and exams, making it easier to assess student learning outcomes.


  1. Convenience: The UI-DLC Portal provides students with the flexibility to learn at their own pace, anytime, and from anywhere.
  2. Accessibility: The portal is accessible on desktop computers, laptops, tablets, and mobile devices, making it easy to access course materials and resources.
  3. Efficiency: The portal automates many administrative tasks, reducing the workload of lecturers and administrators.
  4. Improved Communication: The portal enables real-time communication, reducing the risk of misunderstandings and miscommunications.
  5. Enhanced Learning Experience: The portal provides a more engaging and interactive learning experience, with multimedia content, discussion forums, and online assessments.

How to Access the UI-DLC Portal:

  1. Visit the University of Ibadan website (www.ui.edu.ng)
  2. Click on the "Distance Learning Centre" tab
  3. Click on the "UI-DLC Portal" link
  4. Enter your username and password (if you are a registered student or lecturer)
  5. Follow the prompts to access the portal

Contact Information:

For any questions or issues related to the UI-DLC Portal, please contact:

Note: The UI-DLC Portal is subject to change, and the University of Ibadan reserves the right to modify or update the portal at any time.