Being a new yorker

Fuhgeddaboudit! As a New Yorker, you're part of a special breed. Here are some things that might be uniquely relatable to you:

  1. The subway: You've probably spent countless hours navigating the labyrinthine tunnels, dodging tourists, and dealing with delays. But hey, at least you can always find a good spot to people-watch.
  2. Pizza: You know that a good slice is the key to happiness. Whether it's Joe's Pizza, Lombardi's, or one of the many other iconic spots, you've got a favorite that never fails to hit the spot.
  3. The five boroughs: You've got a love-hate relationship with each of them. Brooklyn's got its trendy vibes, Queens has its diversity, the Bronx has its Yankees, Staten Island has its... well, its own thing, and Manhattan's got its, well, everything.
  4. The accent: You've got a distinct way of speaking that's a mix of Brooklyn, Queens, and a dash of attitude. It's music to your ears, but can be a challenge for outsiders to understand.
  5. The attitude: You're a straight-shooter, always ready with a witty remark or a sarcastic comment. It's a defense mechanism, but it's also a way of life.
  6. The food: You know that a good bagel with cream cheese is the perfect breakfast, and that a slice of cheesecake from Juniors is the ultimate dessert.
  7. The sports teams: You bleed blue, orange, and green (or maybe just orange, depending on your team loyalty). You've got a strong opinion about the Mets, Yankees, Giants, Jets, Knicks, or Nets.
  8. The neighborhoods: You've got a favorite neighborhood, whether it's the West Village, Williamsburg, or Astoria. Each one has its own unique character, and you know the best spots to grab a drink or a bite.
  9. The museums: You've got a love-hate relationship with the Met, MoMA, and the Guggenheim. You love the art, but sometimes the crowds and the pretentiousness can be overwhelming.
  10. The 24/7 lifestyle: You're used to the city never sleeping, and you thrive on the energy of the 24/7 lifestyle. Whether it's a late-night slice or a 3 a.m. diner run, you're always up for whatever the city throws your way.

So, what's your favorite thing about being a New Yorker?