Distance from lagos to new york
The distance from Lagos, Nigeria to New York, USA is approximately:
- 6,760 miles (10,880 km) by air
- 7,500 miles (12,070 km) by sea
Here are the approximate flight times and distances from Lagos to New York:
- Flight duration: 10 hours and 30 minutes to 11 hours and 30 minutes
- Distance: 6,760 miles (10,880 km)
Here are the approximate sea distances and travel times from Lagos to New York:
- Sea distance: 7,500 miles (12,070 km)
- Travel time: 14-16 days by cargo ship or 21-25 days by passenger ship
Please note that these distances and travel times are approximate and may vary depending on the specific route taken, the mode of transportation, and any layovers or stops along the way.