New house announcement message

Here are some examples of announcement messages for a new house:

Simple and Sweet

"We're thrilled to announce that we've found our new home! We can't wait to make memories and create a new chapter in our lives. Stay tuned for updates on our new address!"

Excited and Playful

"WE'RE MOVING IN! We're beyond excited to announce that we've found our dream home! Get ready for updates on our new digs, and don't worry, we'll still be the same awesome friends/family members you know and love"

Heartfelt and Personal

"As we start this new chapter in our lives, we're grateful for the opportunity to create a new home filled with love, laughter, and memories. We can't wait to share this journey with you and make our new house a warm and welcoming space. Stay tuned for updates!"

Funny and Lighthearted

"Breaking news: we've found a new place to lose our keys, hide our snacks, and make a mess! Just kidding, we're actually super excited to announce that we've found our new home! Stay tuned for updates on our new address and all the shenanigans that come with it"

Formal and Professional

"We are pleased to announce that we have acquired a new residence and are excited to start this new chapter in our lives. We look forward to sharing updates on our new home and the memories we'll make there. Please note that our new address will be [insert address]"

Feel free to customize these examples to fit your personal style and preferences!