Distance form phoenix to new your
The distance from Phoenix, Arizona to New York City, New York is approximately:
- By air: 2,144 miles (3,454 km)
- By car: 2,242 miles (3,613 km)
- By bus: 2,300 miles (3,701 km)
- By train: 2,400 miles (3,862 km)
Here are the estimated travel times and modes of transportation:
- By air: 4-5 hours (depending on the airline and flight schedule)
- By car: 36-40 hours (depending on traffic and route)
- By bus: 40-50 hours (depending on the bus company and route)
- By train: 48-60 hours (depending on the train company and route)
Please note that these distances and travel times are approximate and may vary depending on the specific route taken and any layovers or connections.