Distance between new delhi st to vine street philly
A trip from New Delhi to Philadelphia!
The distance between New Delhi, India (DEL) and Vine Street, Philadelphia, USA (approximately 19107 zip code) is approximately:
- 8,439 miles (13,583 kilometers) by air
- 10,434 miles (16,794 kilometers) by land (assuming a route through Europe or the Middle East)
Here are the estimated travel times and modes:
- By air: 18-20 hours (with a layover or two) from New Delhi Indira Gandhi International Airport (DEL) to Philadelphia International Airport (PHL)
- By land: Not a common or practical route, but if you were to drive or take a bus/train, it would take around 2-3 weeks, depending on the route and mode of transportation.
Keep in mind that these distances and travel times are approximate and may vary depending on the specific routes and modes of transportation chosen.