Why im not making gospel music as a born again lynxxx

I think there may be some confusion here!

Lynxxx is a Nigerian rapper and singer, and I'm assuming you're referring to him. Born Chidinma Stephen, Lynxxx is known for his secular music, which is a blend of hip-hop, R&B, and Afrobeats.

As a born-again Christian, Lynxxx has spoken publicly about his faith and how it has impacted his life and music. While he has not explicitly stated that he is no longer making gospel music, his music has not been classified as gospel in the classical sense.

There are a few reasons why Lynxxx may not be making gospel music:

  1. Artistic expression: As an artist, Lynxxx may feel the need to express himself through various genres and styles, including secular music. His music may be a reflection of his personal experiences, emotions, and perspectives, which may not necessarily align with traditional gospel music.
  2. Commercial appeal: Lynxxx's music has been well-received in the Nigerian music industry, and he has built a significant following. Secular music may be more commercially viable for him, as it appeals to a broader audience.
  3. Personal conviction: As a born-again Christian, Lynxxx may feel a sense of conviction to use his platform to spread the message of Christ, but not necessarily through traditional gospel music. He may see his music as a way to share his faith and inspire others, even if it's not explicitly gospel.

It's important to note that Lynxxx's music is not necessarily opposed to Christianity or the gospel message. As a Christian artist, he may be using his platform to spread hope, inspiration, and encouragement, even if it's not through traditional gospel music.

Ultimately, the decision to make gospel music or not is a personal one, and Lynxxx may choose to explore other genres or styles that align with his artistic vision and faith.