Disability legislation of new zalan

I believe you meant "New Zealand"!

New Zealand has a comprehensive disability legislation framework that aims to promote and protect the rights of people with disabilities. Here are some key pieces of legislation:

  1. New Zealand Disability Strategy 2016-2026: This strategy sets out the government's vision for a society that values and includes people with disabilities. It outlines 12 goals and 40 actions to improve the lives of people with disabilities.
  2. Human Rights Act 1993: This Act incorporates the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights into New Zealand law, which includes provisions related to the rights of people with disabilities.
  3. New Zealand Sign Language Act 2006: This Act recognizes New Zealand Sign Language (NZSL) as an official language of New Zealand, alongside English and Māori.
  4. Disability (Information Requirements and Decision-Making) Act 2017: This Act requires organizations to provide accessible information to people with disabilities and to involve them in decision-making processes.
  5. Accessible Buildings Act 1998: This Act requires new buildings and renovations to be designed and constructed to be accessible to people with disabilities.
  6. Transport Act 1962: This Act requires public transportation services to be accessible to people with disabilities.
  7. Education and Training Act 2020: This Act requires education providers to make reasonable adjustments to support students with disabilities.
  8. Health and Disability Commissioner Act 1994: This Act establishes the Health and Disability Commissioner, who investigates complaints about the provision of health and disability services.

Some notable disability-related policies and initiatives in New Zealand include:

  1. Accessible Tourism Policy: This policy aims to make tourism more accessible and inclusive for people with disabilities.
  2. Disability Employment Strategy: This strategy aims to increase the employment of people with disabilities in the public sector.
  3. Accessible Housing Policy: This policy aims to increase the availability of accessible and affordable housing for people with disabilities.
  4. Disability Support Pension: This pension is available to people with disabilities who are unable to work due to their condition.

These are just a few examples of the disability legislation and policies in New Zealand. If you're looking for more information, I recommend visiting the websites of the New Zealand Government, the Ministry of Health, or the Disability Rights Commissioner.