Create facebook account new user english

Here's a step-by-step guide to creating a new Facebook account as a new user in English:

Step 1: Go to

Open a web browser on your computer or mobile device and go to

Step 2: Click on "Create New Account"

In the top right corner of the page, you'll see a button that says "Create New Account". Click on this button.

Step 3: Enter Your Information

You'll be asked to enter some basic information to create your account. Fill in the following fields:

Step 4: Add Your Birthday

Enter your birthday in the format "Month/Day/Year" (e.g. "02/12/1990").

Step 5: Add Your Mobile Number (Optional)

You can add your mobile number to your account, but this is optional. If you choose to add your mobile number, you'll receive a verification code to confirm your account.

Step 6: Add Your Profile Picture (Optional)

You can add a profile picture to your account, but this is optional. You can upload a photo from your computer or take a new one using your webcam.

Step 7: Review and Agree to Facebook's Terms

Read Facebook's terms and conditions, then check the box to agree to them.

Step 8: Click "Sign Up"

Click the "Sign Up" button to create your account.

Step 9: Verify Your Account (Optional)

If you added your mobile number, you'll receive a verification code to confirm your account. Enter the code to complete the verification process.

Step 10: Start Using Facebook!

You're now a Facebook user! You can start exploring the platform, connecting with friends, and sharing updates.

That's it!